Ok...the rush of finals is over, and I am off school until January 24th. Grade have not yet been reported, but so far I know of 5 of my 6 classes I got A's.
It is a Good News/Bad News situation. Good News is the Spring is my last semester; I graduate in May. Bad News is I have class 4 days a week (including my precious Quilts of Valor Fridays.)
I realize I have been lax in posting, and lax in my participation in the Diva Challenges, so I am making to rectify that. I left off with #193, which was Veterans Day, and the challenge was THX (Trio, Huggins, and XYP.) Worked it on a watercolor post card, with Micron and Derwent Metallic watercolor pencil. I went over the gold watercolor with a gold UM-153 from Signo, because it seemed like it needed it.
I am setting a goal of being completely caught up before school starts again, so I need to get crackin! I started doing the Diva challenge at #160, so I think this year I will go back and start at #1...thought that would be lofty goal and give me a prompt when I need one.
Ciao for now. Happy New Year!