Monday, September 22, 2014

Diva #186: Leaves of Fall

How fortunate this coincided with my Sunday get together at Susan Bowden's for the San Diego-Temecula Zentangle Group! (Thanks Janet Masey for coordinating me to be there and I love how Susan added me - Temecula - makes me feel rather special!)  Susan's aunt was visiting from Canada, so she had prepared some lovely white tiles in fall-ish watercolor pencil with the maple leaf traced on it.

I did mine in sepia Micron with brown artist lead shading and a little Glitter Pen and Copper Gelly Roll.

To see a mosaic of everyone's tiles, click here!

I also worked up this cute ornament from Michaels. Sprayed with a few coats of low-odor matte acrylic first, then I tangled on it with Permawriter II pen and painted the top in silver acrylic ink. Sealed it again with a nice coat of matte acrylic. I have a few more to do to...later maybe....

For now, back to writing about cocaine...

Stay Crazy My Friends!


  1. I love the glitter and shine on your beautiful leaf, and the ornament is well done. I bought one myself this weekend (a star), but haven't done the base coat yet.

  2. Glad you were able to make it … hope to see you next time too! BTW … still love your leaf!

  3. Lovely leaf and the ornament is great!

  4. A community Zentangle group. How fun. Your maple leaf is lovely. I think I need to find a glitter pen!

  5. Your leaf is beautiful, I like the glittering

  6. love the use of aquafleur with the maple leaf - nice colour too. the ornament is lovely - so precise

  7. Wow, great idea to do some shading with a glitter pen. That must just look awesome. I can see it a bit in the picture, but in real it must be really blinking. I think I have to try that too. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. Nice meeting up with you again on Sunday and hope you will make the trek in the future. How crazy is it that we did Leaves. Now to just get mine posted.

  9. so pretty...I think that glint is magical! And thank you for the little instruction about what to use, to prepare a wooden piece for tangling on. I was in Michael's and saw the wooden things, and figured white paint of some kind would do. Now I know just what to do! Christmas gifts are gonna be a breeze this year!

  10. Wonderful Tile, Charlotte. Wonderful highlighting with the Glitter Pen on the Aqua Fleur. The ornament turned out so well. Love it and thanks for the tips on how you did it. Love your humor.

  11. I love the wrap-around technique you use. And thanks for describing how you started the tile, too. The link to the whole group shows just how many directions one idea can go. And aren't you the busy bee with the ornaments as well! I thought everyone would be busy picking grapes in Temecula right now! So pretty there.

  12. Beautiful! The touches of glitter on black are a lovely touch!

  13. Great tile and I like the glitter. Your ornament took a lot of work. I usually just use an Identi-Pen and Modge Podge to finish it off.

  14. I love your tile, the color is so much like fall and the aquafleur tangle is perfect. Nice job! Love the Christmas ornament too, I may have to head for Michael's too since I generally make ornaments for the extended family for Christmas. This looks like a great idea.

  15. Woo Hoo! Road trip! Nicely done! (are you avoiding homework? ;-)
