Edit to original post...I just realized where I had experienced a labyrinth before! There is a church in San Francisco called Grace Cathedral that has one on the floor. I was fascinated by it (and by the ribbon art installation hanging over it.) Here is a pic I took there...the colors on the labyrinth are from both the stained glass and the ribbons dancing in the light.
Also have some Pretties to share from what I learned at TangleU. I will start with my overly large rendition of Sharla Hicks' class of Mooka Blues. This is on 6 x 8 Kona Paper, with blue Micron, blue and white General's Chalk Pastels, and a Gelly Roll Glitter Pen (which sadly did not scan as pretty as it is in person.)
And this tile is from the actual class:
We did a Swap at TangleU, based on tiles painted in the Talavera style. I did a couple renditions of this one (had to make one to keep for myself!) Tombow Monotwin Marker and Tombow Brush Markers.
Stay Crazy My Friends!