Saturday, April 11, 2015

In the Home Stretch! Spring Break is over and there is only another 4 weeks of school. That's right campers...4 more weeks! I graduate on May 15th and I can resume my life!

I got on board with this week's Diva Challenge (#212: Use My Tangle - Fanz by Susan Goetter) in a rather weird way. I was testing out a new pen (Tombow MonoTwin) on pink Strathmore Artagain paper...and I initially started with the much fatter end (and was really hating how fat the lines were coming out...duh!) Also, it is an "oil based" marker, so it's a bleeder! It bled even further through the back of the paper when I did my spray fixative on it. But I cannot say I am displeased with the final looks pretty cool.

Tangles are Fanz, Narwal, Flux, Knightsbridge, Tipple, and Heartburn. I should have the step outs for Heartburn (my first tangle) posted soon.

And I did get Diva Challenge #210: Spiral String finished. Colors a bit wonky for me, I used only the items from this months Art Snacks ( box. It is a monotangle of Heartburn. On Fabriano Medioevalis paper (4.7 x 4.7). This paper is really kinda cool, and comes in pre-cut sizes  of flat and folded cards with matching envelopes available. I found it rather cool to tangle on, and I love the deckled edges. Dick Blick carries it, so do most actual art supply stores (not Michaels.)

And, I am off to finish laundry and packing for TangleU. Santa Fe, here I come. I am ditching school for a whole week!

Stay Crazy My Friends!


  1. Your Fanz really really looks like fans! Yours are wonderfully evenly done....doing that is definitely a talent.

  2. I love your Fanz design. The color is beautiful, and I thought it needed some little circles too - great minds, etc... Heartburn?? You crack me up, lady. Can't wait for the steps!

  3. I do like your bold Fanz tile and the paper you used.
