Friday, May 2, 2014

Tickled to Tangle: String Thing #38

Ok...we've already been through this week that I am not fond of grids, and I am even less fond of angular strings...or strings in general.

I think I have string-o-phobia. Yes...fear of strings. For some reason, I am having a bear of a time seeing around them. I feel compelled to color inside the lines.

So this week's Tickled to Tangle String Thing had a very angular string. and organic rounded tangles. I am having a tough time with that. But here's what I came up with:

I'm still not really sure why I feel compelled to color some of these. Derwent Graphitints, some washed, some not washed. And that Glitter pen. I dunno how it gets in my hand, but it always does.

The stars...Mike and I are going stargazing tomorrow night, so I had to connect the dots in my Axlexa to make them stars (glittered stars, of course.)

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