Thursday, July 3, 2014

Diva Challenge #174: Double String Theory

Ok...lets start out by saying...I am simply not myself this week. My mother is visiting from Arizona, and we have a rather...tumultuous...relationship. She is 70...I am 52. We have never been close, and have absolutely nothing in common. So tangling this week for me has been a bit difficult. She makes me...tense. I actually had to put my pen down a few times because I was gripping it too tightly.

But...I am trying to get into my "state of Zen."

For this week's challenge, we were instructed to double our string. Two strings instead of one. Interesting concept for me, when I don't use a string much at all. I often let my tangles just grow organically. That, added to my increased tension level, made for a daunting challenge. So....

I handed a tile, a pencil, and my book of tangles to my precious Tuna (better known as Mike to most people.) I instructed him (the engineer dude) to place the dots in the corner...connect the dots for a border...then draw a string...then another string. I also had him write the names of 4 tangles he liked on the back of the tile. And I used those 4 (Fescue, Frondous, XYP, and N'zepple.) This has to be my weirdest tile to date...but I don't dislike it. I did go old school, with just black and white.


  1. I like the feather look. Very nice.

  2. Char, everything you described about this weeks challenge, I felt!!! But your did turn out lovely!! And I'm so excited to see the big CZT on your blog now!! Congrats to you!! That is so exciting!! :0) Share Humanity

  3. I like the idea of using your husband as a random tangle generator; I just close my eyes and turn to a page in my notebook to choose them. Your way is much more personal and, I think, very successful!

    1. Mike is my biggest fan and most staunch supporter. He even went to Providence with me when I went to CZT! I think he stressed on this more than I did!

  4. Ha. Great process (I'm going to try that, too - here, husband, tell me what tangles to use) - and your tile is absolutely beautiful.

  5. What a fun way to approach this challenge. I will have to try that with my kids.

  6. Fun way to do this challenge and a beautiful piece! (Remember, this two shall pass.... a way to get through the visit!)

    1. I keep reminding myself it's temporary...thanks!

  7. Hey, nice cooperation! That Mike's not so bad after all! (I bet your mom even likes him...) Nice work, both of you!

    1. Yeah...she likes him. He's more tolerant than I am.

  8. I think this tile turned out great!!!

  9. So lovely and delicate tile! Very nicely done!

  10. Beautiful Tile Charlotte. I love your Nzeppel. Great draftsmanship.

  11. It looks like you were able to let everything else go, and just enjoy creating! The tile is gorgeous! Nice work!

  12. Love how you can take the randomness and create a great looking tile. You put these together well. Like how you did your string and chose your tangles. That would be an interesting challenge for everyone.

    1. Thank you Donald. I was a little confused at how to make his random tangles work...especially with such a wonky string. I should have taken a before picture...maybe next time!
