Thursday, July 31, 2014

Diva Challenge #178: DuoTangle of Initial Quality!

Ok...highs and lows of this week aside, I finally set myself down to attend to my initials!

This weeks Diva Challenge was to create a Duo Tangle (2 patterns only) that start with your initials. I rarely use CC, as I have adopted CK for all things, so I set out do CharKat-ize. I picked Cadent and Kathy's Dilemma (one I had not tried before!)

I have been using my Tombow 6B pencil for shading this week. I like how soft it is, but it tends to be a bit darker overall. I bought them when I got deployed to Japan in 2011, and tossed them in the pencil drawer when I got home. Just found them figure. 

And I got on an initial tangent this week. A trip to Michael's last weekend was a treasure hunt, and I found these cool frames in the dollar bins. they have a 3.7 inch square opening and tiles fit in them perfectly.  My work in progress...

AND...before you dash off to Michael's to pick these up...pick up something to seal them with prior to tangling on them. I only did one coat of sealer and a light sand, and now I wish I had done a 2nd coat with a 2nd light sand to make it not bleed at all. I'm using PermaWriter Pens and I edged it in black Sharpie (yuck, major headache after breathing Sharpie fumes.) The shading is coming out great with a regular soft pencil, and I do plan to seal it again when I finish tangling it.


  1. These two tangles are really great together! Your shading is fantastic.

  2. Very effective design. Great Tangleations. I like this tile very much. Good job, CharKat.

  3. Very strong tile. I love the way you used Kathy's Dilemma.

  4. Love your tile! I actually like the darker shading so go 6B pencil! Very fun frame too!

    1. A little graphite goes a long way! I have to keep reminding myself that shading isn't an afterthought, and even go back over my pen lines occasionally. Thank you kindly!

  5. Nice job. Kathy's Dilemma is not one that I have ever tried. At one point I had said I wanted to do all the Zentangles that we received in training. Aside from the time factor, I think there are tangles that just do not appeal to everyone. You did well with it. Like the frames. Too bad the closest Michael's is about 70 mi away. Are they made out of wood?

    1. I have been trying to go back through "the list" and try ones I had not even heard of. That was one of them. And you are right, not all of them appeal to me, but I figure as a CZT I need to at least be aware of them and be able to execute them. It's like my relationship with aqua fleur. I have yet to execute one I find acceptable, so I need to keep at it. The frame is wood, and I didn't paint it, just sealed it. I finished it last night and will post it next week.
